Week in the Life of a Football Supporter With a Resident's Smart Card
Part 1 of 8
Our fan Sam, is a typical family man looking to improve his future prospects. He is thirtysomething and married with two young children. He lives with his family in rented accommodation with the local council appointed housing association. He works full time 9-5 with the local council as an HR officer and is also a part-time mature student studying Business Management two evenings per week.
Sam goes to almost every home game and around 5 away games per season, but he is not a season ticket holder. He cant afford the one-off cost and does not know about the budget plan payment terms. He usually meets a friend at a local pub before home games, as he believes it is too expensive to eat and drink in the stadium.
Sam has a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card issued by the local football club as part of a joint venture with the local council. The card is a Football Club Membership Card with a closed purse, a payment facility that is only valid in the stadium and the club's retail outlets (a closed purse owned and operated by or on behalf of the club can generate hundreds of thousands of pounds in additional income and efficiency gains).
The 'Residents and Supporters' smart card also allows payment by Europay / MasterCard / Visa (EMV) and is Local Authority Smart card Standards e-Organisation (LASSeO) & Integrated Transport Standards Organisation (ITSO) compliant. This means that it can be used to gain access to council provided services and on local transport. The card has also been developed and encoded in accordance with the emerging Standards for Smart Card Technology in Stadia.
Sam logs on to the club's website and checks the fixtures for the coming month. He decides to purchase two tickets for tomorrow nights cup game, when he will take a friend from work who has never been before. Sam simply enters his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card number into the purchase screen. He chooses to pay for the ticket with the EMV payment. Once the purchase is complete Sam check his Loyalty points balance and it has increased by 200 (100 per ticket). He chooses the 'print at home' option, prints both barcoded tickets and then sets off for work.
The bus arrives. Sam gets on and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' card, which stores his ITSO compliant monthly bus ticket to the reader.
At work Sam uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card at the office building access control reader. This allows him to open the main entrance door. Because the card also acts as Sam's staff pass it also has his photo and gives him access to his office and other relevant areas in the building. At lunchtime Sam is busy so he decides to eat at the staff restaurant. Most staff have council issued cards for Access ID and to pay for food but Sam's can use his 'Residents and Supporters' card in all council staff restaurants. However, the e-purse used in council restaurants does not allow Sam to accru points, unlike the other e-purse also on the card.
At 17:00 Sam leaves the office and travels home on the bus again using his 'Residents and Supporters' card, which stores his ITSO compliant monthly bus ticket.
Monday is one of the two nights a week that Sam attends a part-time course held at the football club conference centre.
Sam drives to the stadium and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the parking barrier. This opens as the CRM system tells it that Sam is Studying tonight so is entitled to free parking. Once the evenings study is over Sam leaves the car park using the 'Residents and Supporters' card to open the exit barrier.
When Sam gets home he checks his Loyalty Points balance again and sees that he received 50 point for attending college, as is part of a local 'Self Development' programme run by the council and supported by local businesses.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card. (10)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card
Part 2 of 8
Sam follows his usual routine using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building. At lunch time he goes in to the local library and borrows a book relating to his Business Management course. He uses the self-service desk and presents the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to register the loan of the books, as the card also acts as a library card.
Sam decides to go straight to the football club from the office and meets his friend outside the stadium. Sam realises that he has forgotten his ticket, but is not concerned as he simply goes to the club shop where they read his card and confirm he was issued with a valid ticket. They then validate the access control system to accept the card. (In reality Sam did not need to do this as when he used the card to ID himself online the previous day when purchasing the tickets, the card and the barcoded ticket were automatically added to the access control system as valid for entry for this game. The system however would only accept the first form i.e. card or ticket for entry, once one form had been used the second would be automatically rendered void this is for security and revenue protection purposes.)
Sam's friend arrives and they both enter the stadium Sam with the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and his friend with his own barcoded ticket. In the stadium Sam and friend both get a drink and something to eat. As Sam has the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card he goes straight to the cashless payment queue which is shorter than the cash queue. To boost take-up of the new 'Residents and Supporters' card there is a discount on all products when paying with the pre pay e-purse. Sam pays using the closed e-purse and he is served quicker than his friend who is paying with cash. Sam also saves money. Sam then receives a text message from the football club Events Team thanking him for entering the stadium early and offers him a BOGOFF (Buy One Get One For Free) offer on the new line in pasties from a local bakers if he uses his closed e-purse for payment.
Sam and friend watch the first half during which Sam tops up his e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters" smart card by text message Then at half time he takes advantage of the BOGOFF offer.
After the match friend Sam uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey home. At home Sam checks his loyalty account and sees a total of 125 new points from his purchases and because he entered the stadium early.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card. (10)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 3 of 8
Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building. Today is Sam's birthday the football club CRM texts his mobile phone a 2-4-1 offer to eat in the restaurant at the stadium. To take advantage of this offer Sam meets his wife for lunch at the stadium. The offer also states that if he pays for the meal with the closed purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card he will receive treble loyalty points. Sam tops up his e-purse on his "Residents and Supporters" smart card by text message. Sam redeems the 2-4-1 offer and pays for the meal with the closed e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
When Sam returns to work he uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to access his office building.
After work Sam decides to go to the gym he uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey and once at the gym, which is a council leisure centre. Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to gain entry to the leisure centre as it is also holds his membership details. Sam uses smart card inside the leisure centre to register his use of the gym and again to use of the swimming pool. Sam then travels home on the bus using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
At home Sam logs on to the clubs website and checks the balance on his loyalty account. He discovers that he has an additional 350 points for topping up, paying in the restaurant and also a bonus for his birthday. Sam has also been given additional points for participating on one physical activity at the gym, this is a PCT initiative to promote healthy living and combat obesity and help reduce the pressure on the local NHS. The scheme is supported by the local council and the football club.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card.(14)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 4 of 8
Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building.
At lunch time Sam goes to town and buys a CD from a local music store and some accessories for his car from a national motor factors retailer using the EMV payment on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
Sam has study leave in the afternoon and travel home on the bus using his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, and collects his Business Management course books and course work. At home Sam logs on to the clubs website and checks the balance on his loyalty account and discovers that he has an additional 160 points for the EMV transactions at the local music store and the national motor factors retailer. As these transactions are using the EMV payment facility they attract a slightly lower rate of points than transactions using the pre pay e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
As Sam is registered as a mature student studying at the stadium he is allowed free access to the WiFI within the stadium conference suite. Sam drives to the stadium early, for his second study night of the week, as he is meeting a study buddy there. On arrival at the stadium Sam presents his 'Residents and Supporters' card to the parking barrier which opens as it knows from the CRM that Sam is studying tonight and is entitled to free parking. Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to log on to the network using dual factor authentication and the system recognises Sam is registered with a sight impairment and has stored visual preferences to help him read the text. The system is set to Sam's preferences. This same function could be used to change language for those whose first language is not English.
Once the evenings study is over Sam leaves the car park again using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to open the exit barrier.
When Sam gets home he again checks his Loyalty Points balance and sees that, just as he did on Monday evening he received 50 point for attending college, this is part of a local 'Self Development' programme run by the council and supported by local businesses.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card (12)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smartcard.
Part 5 of 8
Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building.
At lunch time Sam goes to the councils 'One Stop Shop' to apply for Free School Meals for his 2 children. He uses a public PC and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader which identifies him asks for a secret word (2 Factor Authentication). As Sam is registered with a sight impairment on the council's public facing system his visual impairment preferences are read from the card and the councils public facing system is set to Sam's preferences.
As the councils CRM already holds many pieces of information required for the Free School Meals Entitlement Form some information there has been automatically completed i.e. Name. DoB, Address, Contact details etc. This is called Auto Form Fill. Sam check the auto populated data is correct, completes the rest of the form and returns to work.
After work Sam decides to go to the gym he uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey and once at the gym, which is a council leisure centre Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart cardto gain entry to the centre as it is also his membership card for the leisure centre. Sam also uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card inside the leisure centre to register his use of the gym and again use of the swimming pool. Sam then travels home on the bus using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the journey home.
Sam makes the weekly shopping list and then drives to the local supermarket where he pays for the shopping with the EMV payment option on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
When Sam gets home he again checks his Loyalty Points balance and he has received points of using the Gym and paying for the weekly shopping.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card. (11)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 6 of 8
Today is a top of the table clash. Sam is taking his son Thomas to the game and it is his first game of the season. Sam and Thomas drive to the town centre and Sam parks the car in a council managed Pay and Display car park. As a resident of the borough Sam is entitled to a discount on parking charges Sam presents the card to the parking machine and receives his discount.
Then Sam takes Thomas to the Club Shop in town centre and redeems some of the loyalty points he has been accruing and receives a home shirt for Thomas.
It is still early and Sam takes Thomas to the local museum to research a topic that Thomas is studying at school. The 'Residents and Supporters' smart card entitles Sam to a half price entry but as there is no card reader in the museum Sam simply shows his card. This type of 'Show n Go' discount scheme operates in a number of places in the town also and helps local small businesses, this initiative is backed by the councils local regeneration scheme.
Then Sam goes to a local shop that is a Pay Point agent to pay his Rent and Council Tax as he does not have a direct debit set up. At the shop Sam pays cash but presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader to identify him and allocate the funds to the right amounts to the correct Rent and Council Tax accounts.
It is now time for Sam and Thomas to go to the stadium and as it is close and a sunny day they decide to hire one of the public cycles in the town. Sam knows that the football club are part of this 'Fit 4 Life' initiative operated by the Council and backed by the local PCT as it is part of the Football Clubs 'Green Travel Plan'. At the automated cycle store Sam presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader and releases an adult cycle for himself and does the same for a junior cycle for Thomas. They both cycle 2 miles to the stadium where they store and lock the cycles in a storage facility located in the stadia car park, which is similar to the one in town. The locking mechanism is also operated by the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, which if applicable is also used for payment but not in this case as the system recognises that Sam is entitled to free use.
Sam takes Thomas to the ticket office to buy him a barcoded paper match day ticket and after payment Sam's 'Residents and Supporters' smart card is set to be his ticket. He presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to collect the loyalty points, but he pays for the ticket in cash. When the ticket office take Thomas' personal details for the ticket purchase they see that although this is his first match this season, he did attend 6 matches last season and travelled to an away FA Cup tie with the Official Supporters Club. They offer Thomas the chance to join the Junior Supporters Club at a discount which will give him his own supporters card. As Sam is already a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder Junior Supporters Club Membership is free for a limited period. Thomas applies and Sam is given an immediate discount on Thomas' match day ticket.
Sam and Thomas the go to the turnstiles and both enter the stadium; Sam with his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and Thomas with his own barcoded ticket. In the stadium Sam buys them both a drink and a burger using the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card as again that queue is much shorter than the cash queue and they get a discount.
Sam and Thomas watch the first half during which Sam gets a text message welcoming Thomas to the Junior Supporters Club and giving a promotional code for Thomas, two friends and a responsible adult to have a free stadium tour. All Thomas has to do is have his parents complete an online form with names, addresses and ages of the 4 people attending the tour. Sam also tops up the e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card by text message. At half time both Sam and Thomas get a cold drink from the kiosk where Sam again uses the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, is served very quickly and saves money.
After the match friend Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to unlock the cycles for the ride back to town to collect the car.
At home Sam registers himself Thomas and two friends for the tour using the promotional code in the text message. As he is a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder he will be given Loyalty Points if anyone in the party makes a purchase and if they become season ticket holders Sam and Thomas will be invited to meet their favourite player. Sam then checks his loyalty account and sees a total of 225 new points from the purchases and entering the stadium early.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card. (16)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 7 of 8
Sam and Thomas look at the pictures of the match yesterday on the Football Club's website. Thomas has received an email with his membership details and he sets up his account.
Sam finds a replica shirt from the early eighties which he adds to the 'wish list' on his Loyalty account so that when he has enough points he will get an automatic reminder by email and text. There was also an option for the shirt to be automatically sent to him when he had enough points and the Loyalty points redeemed automatically but he didn't choose it.
It is sunny and Sam has an exciting day planned for the family. In the morning he takes the family to a local petting zoo and country park. The park is operated by the county council and there is a small charge, but as Sam is a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder he and his family enjoy free admission.
In the afternoon Sam and the family go to the football stadium to attend a music event with a number of big name performers. The tickets were part of Sam's birthday present from his parents. Sam was made aware of the event from a text message and an email that was sent by the clubs CRM. Sam's 'Residents and Supporters' smart card was used during the transaction to get a discount and loyalty points.
Sam and his family the go to the turnstiles and enter the stadium Sam with the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and the rest of the family with barcoded tickets. In the stadium Sam buys them food and drinks using the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and as always the queue is much shorter than the cash queue and he also gets a discount.
After the event the Sam takes the family home. On the way home Sam get fuel at a small local petrol station and uses the EMV payment method on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and gets some more loyalty points.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters smart card. (9)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 8 of 8
Summary, Conclusions and Next Steps
The previous 7 parts and this final conclusion of a 'Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Residents Smart Card' demonstrate very clearly how a single card can provide access to many different services and activities delivered by multiple providers from both public and private sectors.
This is not theory; every one of the applications below is a live application in a scheme in the UK. This document 'Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Residents Smart Card' simply brings them all together on the one card.
To discover the operational and financial benefits of such a scheme for your organisation please contact info@smartstadia.com. Below is a list of the typical benefits that Football Clubs and Local Authorities have realised.
Our fan Sam, is a typical family man looking to improve his future prospects. He is thirtysomething and married with two young children. He lives with his family in rented accommodation with the local council appointed housing association. He works full time 9-5 with the local council as an HR officer and is also a part-time mature student studying Business Management two evenings per week.
Sam goes to almost every home game and around 5 away games per season, but he is not a season ticket holder. He cant afford the one-off cost and does not know about the budget plan payment terms. He usually meets a friend at a local pub before home games, as he believes it is too expensive to eat and drink in the stadium.
Sam has a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card issued by the local football club as part of a joint venture with the local council. The card is a Football Club Membership Card with a closed purse, a payment facility that is only valid in the stadium and the club's retail outlets (a closed purse owned and operated by or on behalf of the club can generate hundreds of thousands of pounds in additional income and efficiency gains).
The 'Residents and Supporters' smart card also allows payment by Europay / MasterCard / Visa (EMV) and is Local Authority Smart card Standards e-Organisation (LASSeO) & Integrated Transport Standards Organisation (ITSO) compliant. This means that it can be used to gain access to council provided services and on local transport. The card has also been developed and encoded in accordance with the emerging Standards for Smart Card Technology in Stadia.
Sam logs on to the club's website and checks the fixtures for the coming month. He decides to purchase two tickets for tomorrow nights cup game, when he will take a friend from work who has never been before. Sam simply enters his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card number into the purchase screen. He chooses to pay for the ticket with the EMV payment. Once the purchase is complete Sam check his Loyalty points balance and it has increased by 200 (100 per ticket). He chooses the 'print at home' option, prints both barcoded tickets and then sets off for work.
The bus arrives. Sam gets on and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' card, which stores his ITSO compliant monthly bus ticket to the reader.
At work Sam uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card at the office building access control reader. This allows him to open the main entrance door. Because the card also acts as Sam's staff pass it also has his photo and gives him access to his office and other relevant areas in the building. At lunchtime Sam is busy so he decides to eat at the staff restaurant. Most staff have council issued cards for Access ID and to pay for food but Sam's can use his 'Residents and Supporters' card in all council staff restaurants. However, the e-purse used in council restaurants does not allow Sam to accru points, unlike the other e-purse also on the card.
At 17:00 Sam leaves the office and travels home on the bus again using his 'Residents and Supporters' card, which stores his ITSO compliant monthly bus ticket.
Monday is one of the two nights a week that Sam attends a part-time course held at the football club conference centre.
Sam drives to the stadium and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the parking barrier. This opens as the CRM system tells it that Sam is Studying tonight so is entitled to free parking. Once the evenings study is over Sam leaves the car park using the 'Residents and Supporters' card to open the exit barrier.
When Sam gets home he checks his Loyalty Points balance again and sees that he received 50 point for attending college, as is part of a local 'Self Development' programme run by the council and supported by local businesses.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card. (10)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card
Part 2 of 8
Sam follows his usual routine using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building. At lunch time he goes in to the local library and borrows a book relating to his Business Management course. He uses the self-service desk and presents the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to register the loan of the books, as the card also acts as a library card.
Sam decides to go straight to the football club from the office and meets his friend outside the stadium. Sam realises that he has forgotten his ticket, but is not concerned as he simply goes to the club shop where they read his card and confirm he was issued with a valid ticket. They then validate the access control system to accept the card. (In reality Sam did not need to do this as when he used the card to ID himself online the previous day when purchasing the tickets, the card and the barcoded ticket were automatically added to the access control system as valid for entry for this game. The system however would only accept the first form i.e. card or ticket for entry, once one form had been used the second would be automatically rendered void this is for security and revenue protection purposes.)
Sam's friend arrives and they both enter the stadium Sam with the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and his friend with his own barcoded ticket. In the stadium Sam and friend both get a drink and something to eat. As Sam has the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card he goes straight to the cashless payment queue which is shorter than the cash queue. To boost take-up of the new 'Residents and Supporters' card there is a discount on all products when paying with the pre pay e-purse. Sam pays using the closed e-purse and he is served quicker than his friend who is paying with cash. Sam also saves money. Sam then receives a text message from the football club Events Team thanking him for entering the stadium early and offers him a BOGOFF (Buy One Get One For Free) offer on the new line in pasties from a local bakers if he uses his closed e-purse for payment.
Sam and friend watch the first half during which Sam tops up his e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters" smart card by text message Then at half time he takes advantage of the BOGOFF offer.
After the match friend Sam uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey home. At home Sam checks his loyalty account and sees a total of 125 new points from his purchases and because he entered the stadium early.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card. (10)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 3 of 8
Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building. Today is Sam's birthday the football club CRM texts his mobile phone a 2-4-1 offer to eat in the restaurant at the stadium. To take advantage of this offer Sam meets his wife for lunch at the stadium. The offer also states that if he pays for the meal with the closed purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card he will receive treble loyalty points. Sam tops up his e-purse on his "Residents and Supporters" smart card by text message. Sam redeems the 2-4-1 offer and pays for the meal with the closed e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
When Sam returns to work he uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to access his office building.
After work Sam decides to go to the gym he uses his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey and once at the gym, which is a council leisure centre. Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to gain entry to the leisure centre as it is also holds his membership details. Sam uses smart card inside the leisure centre to register his use of the gym and again to use of the swimming pool. Sam then travels home on the bus using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
At home Sam logs on to the clubs website and checks the balance on his loyalty account. He discovers that he has an additional 350 points for topping up, paying in the restaurant and also a bonus for his birthday. Sam has also been given additional points for participating on one physical activity at the gym, this is a PCT initiative to promote healthy living and combat obesity and help reduce the pressure on the local NHS. The scheme is supported by the local council and the football club.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' card.(14)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 4 of 8
Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building.
At lunch time Sam goes to town and buys a CD from a local music store and some accessories for his car from a national motor factors retailer using the EMV payment on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
Sam has study leave in the afternoon and travel home on the bus using his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, and collects his Business Management course books and course work. At home Sam logs on to the clubs website and checks the balance on his loyalty account and discovers that he has an additional 160 points for the EMV transactions at the local music store and the national motor factors retailer. As these transactions are using the EMV payment facility they attract a slightly lower rate of points than transactions using the pre pay e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
As Sam is registered as a mature student studying at the stadium he is allowed free access to the WiFI within the stadium conference suite. Sam drives to the stadium early, for his second study night of the week, as he is meeting a study buddy there. On arrival at the stadium Sam presents his 'Residents and Supporters' card to the parking barrier which opens as it knows from the CRM that Sam is studying tonight and is entitled to free parking. Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to log on to the network using dual factor authentication and the system recognises Sam is registered with a sight impairment and has stored visual preferences to help him read the text. The system is set to Sam's preferences. This same function could be used to change language for those whose first language is not English.
Once the evenings study is over Sam leaves the car park again using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to open the exit barrier.
When Sam gets home he again checks his Loyalty Points balance and sees that, just as he did on Monday evening he received 50 point for attending college, this is part of a local 'Self Development' programme run by the council and supported by local businesses.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card (12)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smartcard.
Part 5 of 8
Sam follows his usual routine into work using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card on the bus and to access his office building.
At lunch time Sam goes to the councils 'One Stop Shop' to apply for Free School Meals for his 2 children. He uses a public PC and presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader which identifies him asks for a secret word (2 Factor Authentication). As Sam is registered with a sight impairment on the council's public facing system his visual impairment preferences are read from the card and the councils public facing system is set to Sam's preferences.
As the councils CRM already holds many pieces of information required for the Free School Meals Entitlement Form some information there has been automatically completed i.e. Name. DoB, Address, Contact details etc. This is called Auto Form Fill. Sam check the auto populated data is correct, completes the rest of the form and returns to work.
After work Sam decides to go to the gym he uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the bus journey and once at the gym, which is a council leisure centre Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart cardto gain entry to the centre as it is also his membership card for the leisure centre. Sam also uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card inside the leisure centre to register his use of the gym and again use of the swimming pool. Sam then travels home on the bus using the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card for the journey home.
Sam makes the weekly shopping list and then drives to the local supermarket where he pays for the shopping with the EMV payment option on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card.
When Sam gets home he again checks his Loyalty Points balance and he has received points of using the Gym and paying for the weekly shopping.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card. (11)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 6 of 8
Today is a top of the table clash. Sam is taking his son Thomas to the game and it is his first game of the season. Sam and Thomas drive to the town centre and Sam parks the car in a council managed Pay and Display car park. As a resident of the borough Sam is entitled to a discount on parking charges Sam presents the card to the parking machine and receives his discount.
Then Sam takes Thomas to the Club Shop in town centre and redeems some of the loyalty points he has been accruing and receives a home shirt for Thomas.
It is still early and Sam takes Thomas to the local museum to research a topic that Thomas is studying at school. The 'Residents and Supporters' smart card entitles Sam to a half price entry but as there is no card reader in the museum Sam simply shows his card. This type of 'Show n Go' discount scheme operates in a number of places in the town also and helps local small businesses, this initiative is backed by the councils local regeneration scheme.
Then Sam goes to a local shop that is a Pay Point agent to pay his Rent and Council Tax as he does not have a direct debit set up. At the shop Sam pays cash but presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader to identify him and allocate the funds to the right amounts to the correct Rent and Council Tax accounts.
It is now time for Sam and Thomas to go to the stadium and as it is close and a sunny day they decide to hire one of the public cycles in the town. Sam knows that the football club are part of this 'Fit 4 Life' initiative operated by the Council and backed by the local PCT as it is part of the Football Clubs 'Green Travel Plan'. At the automated cycle store Sam presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to the reader and releases an adult cycle for himself and does the same for a junior cycle for Thomas. They both cycle 2 miles to the stadium where they store and lock the cycles in a storage facility located in the stadia car park, which is similar to the one in town. The locking mechanism is also operated by the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, which if applicable is also used for payment but not in this case as the system recognises that Sam is entitled to free use.
Sam takes Thomas to the ticket office to buy him a barcoded paper match day ticket and after payment Sam's 'Residents and Supporters' smart card is set to be his ticket. He presents his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to collect the loyalty points, but he pays for the ticket in cash. When the ticket office take Thomas' personal details for the ticket purchase they see that although this is his first match this season, he did attend 6 matches last season and travelled to an away FA Cup tie with the Official Supporters Club. They offer Thomas the chance to join the Junior Supporters Club at a discount which will give him his own supporters card. As Sam is already a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder Junior Supporters Club Membership is free for a limited period. Thomas applies and Sam is given an immediate discount on Thomas' match day ticket.
Sam and Thomas the go to the turnstiles and both enter the stadium; Sam with his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and Thomas with his own barcoded ticket. In the stadium Sam buys them both a drink and a burger using the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card as again that queue is much shorter than the cash queue and they get a discount.
Sam and Thomas watch the first half during which Sam gets a text message welcoming Thomas to the Junior Supporters Club and giving a promotional code for Thomas, two friends and a responsible adult to have a free stadium tour. All Thomas has to do is have his parents complete an online form with names, addresses and ages of the 4 people attending the tour. Sam also tops up the e-purse on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card by text message. At half time both Sam and Thomas get a cold drink from the kiosk where Sam again uses the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card, is served very quickly and saves money.
After the match friend Sam uses the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card to unlock the cycles for the ride back to town to collect the car.
At home Sam registers himself Thomas and two friends for the tour using the promotional code in the text message. As he is a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder he will be given Loyalty Points if anyone in the party makes a purchase and if they become season ticket holders Sam and Thomas will be invited to meet their favourite player. Sam then checks his loyalty account and sees a total of 225 new points from the purchases and entering the stadium early.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card. (16)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 7 of 8
Sam and Thomas look at the pictures of the match yesterday on the Football Club's website. Thomas has received an email with his membership details and he sets up his account.
Sam finds a replica shirt from the early eighties which he adds to the 'wish list' on his Loyalty account so that when he has enough points he will get an automatic reminder by email and text. There was also an option for the shirt to be automatically sent to him when he had enough points and the Loyalty points redeemed automatically but he didn't choose it.
It is sunny and Sam has an exciting day planned for the family. In the morning he takes the family to a local petting zoo and country park. The park is operated by the county council and there is a small charge, but as Sam is a 'Residents and Supporters' smart card holder he and his family enjoy free admission.
In the afternoon Sam and the family go to the football stadium to attend a music event with a number of big name performers. The tickets were part of Sam's birthday present from his parents. Sam was made aware of the event from a text message and an email that was sent by the clubs CRM. Sam's 'Residents and Supporters' smart card was used during the transaction to get a discount and loyalty points.
Sam and his family the go to the turnstiles and enter the stadium Sam with the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and the rest of the family with barcoded tickets. In the stadium Sam buys them food and drinks using the closed e-purse on the 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and as always the queue is much shorter than the cash queue and he also gets a discount.
After the event the Sam takes the family home. On the way home Sam get fuel at a small local petrol station and uses the EMV payment method on his 'Residents and Supporters' smart card and gets some more loyalty points.
Number of uses of the 'Residents and Supporters smart card. (9)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.
Part 8 of 8
Summary, Conclusions and Next Steps
The previous 7 parts and this final conclusion of a 'Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Residents Smart Card' demonstrate very clearly how a single card can provide access to many different services and activities delivered by multiple providers from both public and private sectors.
This is not theory; every one of the applications below is a live application in a scheme in the UK. This document 'Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Residents Smart Card' simply brings them all together on the one card.
To discover the operational and financial benefits of such a scheme for your organisation please contact info@smartstadia.com. Below is a list of the typical benefits that Football Clubs and Local Authorities have realised.
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